You’re sick to death of it. I get it. Your pain-in-the-ass boss and your whiny-ass co-workers make you want to hurl. And if you’re NOT working, the slew of crackheads who hold the keys to getting your next paycheck, produce an endless eruption of bile. Yup. I do get it, but it’s time to stop feeling sick and instead learn how to TELL people exactly what you want from them. This act of self-expression will help you become more of a peer and less of a peon and will strengthen your position wherever you are, I swear. You just have to use your brain and know when and how to cough up your truth.
Saying what you need is really not as hard as you’ve built it up to be. We tend to be so insecure in our jobs and with the people around us that we become paranoid people-pleasers and second-guess every move we make. I know just reading this spikes your heart rate – I can hear you now:
“But I’ll sound like a bitch (or a dick) if I say what I want!”
No you won’t. You’ll sound like a person who has an ounce of confidence. You’ll sound like someone who has a brain and shows initiative. What a travesty that would be.
Imagine this: Instead of following up on an interview by passively saying, “I just wanted to call and check in to see if you’ve made your decision yet,” buck up and say, “I just wanted to call to let you know I’ve been thinking about this position and I REALLY WANT IT. What will it take for me to get this job?” [Ooooooh….scary! You might actually sound, dare I say, enthusiastic!]
Instead of fuming inside when your boss loads more and more work on you, and then pouring your pent up venom on your colleagues, respond to your boss by saying, “No problem, but can you help prioritize these tasks so I understand what’s most important to you? I might need another person to help me get this done on time.” [Ooooooh….you sound like you’re not perfect! Welcome to the party! Have a beer.]
Saying what you need and expressing how you feel doesn’t mean you walk into your boss’s office to tell him he’s a turd and that you need a raise, it means thinking through your situations and choosing your words and timing wisely. If you’re shot down whenever you express yourself, start planning your exit strategy. If you think you want to vomit now, give yourself another two years with that punitive power-monger.
By now it should go without saying that these rules ONLY apply if you’re a stellar employee—if you’re NOT a terrific worker then forget I said any of this. There’s nothing worse than a crappy employee who has needs—the only need I have with a crappy employee is that they get the hell out of my office.
• Hate your boss?
• Suck at interviewing?
• Deserve a promotion?
• Can't negotiate your way out of a paper bag?
• Suffering through a professional crisis?
• Have ISSUES?
Through brutal honesty and concrete advice, the Reluctant Genius effectively helps you manage all aspects of your job and career. With 18 years of experience in Hollywood, the RG has figured out how to make it to the top AND SURVIVE, somewhat unscathed.
Available for consulting services and speaking engagements. Write to:
- Born After 1981? Read this NOW.
- The EXTREME People Pleasing Personality Disorder
- Be a Peer, Not a Peon
- OK, Now That's Just RUDE!
- Has Your Boss Hijacked Your Brain?
- The Finger Pointing Personality Disorder
- 5 Reasons You Should Quit Your Job
- If You've Ever Cried at Work...
- Einstein's Theory of Hollywood Momentum
- Veni, Vidi, Vomiti
- Manufactured Stress+Pepcid+Xanax
- Managing Covert & Overt Assholes
- Got Fired? Super!
- Shut Your Mouth & Make More $$$$
- Dodging All Curve Balls!
- Surrounded by Idiots? Read This.
- How to Survive an Interrogation, ahem, I Mean Interview
- When in Doubt, Go Balls Out!
- What Do I Mean by Bullshitting?
- Why You Must Believe Your Own B.S.
- The Audacity of Kicking Ass
- Before an Interview Read This!
- BOO! Stop Being So Freaking Scared!
Veni, Vidi, Vomiti
LAURA INGRAM -- "DON'T COME IN MY EAR" -- This sums up life in TV
“Tracy Mazuer’s coaching skills are entirely responsible for elevating my career and status in the television industry. Tracy has recognized and helped to define a vital yet consistently overlooked part of building and maintaining a successful career in the entertainment industry – how to successfully market yourself.
I have worked in television as a Producer/Director for many years. Prior to discovering Tracy’s abilities, I promoted myself so poorly that...(read more of this testimonial)
"In a town that really has no rules, its nice to know that there's someone out there on your side. The stories use the entertainment business as a background, but all the examples and lessons are applicable to anyone in the working world. And coming from someone that has been getting advice from the Reluctant Genius for over 8 years, let me just say...Its worth the read!" - David Tobin, Producer
"Tracy has been a great coach and mentor to me in my current job search. Having worked for the same companies for many years, my idea of networking was to call my past employers and beg for work. With Tracy’s help I have re-energized my job search, making new contacts and taking meetings more successfully. Her positive and pro-active approach has given me a new way to “work the room.” I feel more in control and positive in meetings than I have in years. Thank you, Tracy." -J.G. Writer/Producer
"Tracy has been a great coach and mentor to me in my current job search. Having worked for the same companies for many years, my idea of networking was to call my past employers and beg for work. With Tracy’s help I have re-energized my job search, making new contacts and taking meetings more successfully. Her positive and pro-active approach has given me a new way to “work the room.” I feel more in control and positive in meetings than I have in years. Thank you, Tracy." -J.G. Writer/Producer
Tracy has a way of teaching you something without pointing her finger, being condescending or coming at it from a “I know it all” attitude, because frankly she doesn’t and nobody does, but she admits it, and that is what makes her “real” and most certainly approachable! Tracy has a way with words and people, truly a gift and surely something that can’t be taught, but she treats you like her equal. She has always been my boss, never vice versa but it’s always seemed as though we were fighting the same battle and we were at war side by side. (read more...)