Einstein developed a theory about energy and momentum. It looks like this:I know, I hear ya—24r to the 3rd power appears ludicrous considering the q6 and q10, but it all works out. I’ll explain in just a moment, but it’s important to establish this so you’ll understand how my slight alteration of his theory can change your life.
By simply replacing the 240 with 260, we come up with a theory about momentum as it applies to the entertainment world that, if only he were alive, could be proven by Einstein himself.
(Or, perhaps he would drop dead seeing my bastardization of his life’s work. Whatever.)
The way to find a job and/or make more money is TO BUILD MOMENTUM! Let’s look at it.
You desperately need a job. You just sit at home staring at the phone. What’s going to happen? Ummmm…….
You bitch and moan that you want more money at your current gig, but what are you doing about it? Duhhhhh……
YOU DESPERATELY NEED A JOB: I liken building momentum to throwing a bunch of spaghetti against the wall to see what’ll stick. Not only can you tell if your fusilli’s al dente, you’ll stand a better chance of actually getting a call-back or two.
Now, throwing a bunch of goo against the wall doesn’t mean posting your resume on MONSTER.COM and sending a crap load of blind resumes to nameless, faceless assistants who placed an ad on GETATVJOB.COM and then getting all pissed off when nothing happens. Building momentum means dragging your ass off your futon and getting out to networking events, calling friends or former colleagues in the biz to see if they’ll have coffee with you, (so you can get their ideas on what’s happening), and working your ass off to secure actual MEETINGS through them, through the phone, through bribery, through whatever it takes. Meetings are hard to get, I know, but I swear to Einstein that once you start hurling your linguini at the wall, a strand or two WILL EVENTUALLY STICK.
By doing all of this work to get work, you’ll be securing more contacts so next time you’re looking for a gig, you’ll have more people to connect with. Simple.
So, your pasta stuck; you got a job. Now don’t let your ass hit that futon! This is where, if you work it, your MOMENTUM grows EXPONENTIALLY! Keep networking even though you are working—keep networking BECAUSE you are working.*
“It’s easier to get a job when you have a job.” Someone said it—I have no idea whom--and we just keep repeating it because it’s true. Since many of our entertainment jobs are short-term, either the show/project ends or we get fired, you’ve gotta stay on your toes and keep your momentum going.**
When you have MOMENTUM you might find yourself with two or more simultaneous job offers! HOORAY! When you have MOMENTUM you might find yourself employed and then being courted by another! YAHOO! This MOMENTUM means LEVERAGE. When you have leverage, you win—unless you eff it up. Here’s the deal with LEVERAGE: You can really screw the pooch in these situations if you handle it poorly. It’s a delicate balance and is not for the weak of heart. Write me tmazuer@gmail.com if you need help negotiating the exciting, yet potentially dangerous, waters of multiple offers.
Here’s my modified MOMENTUM equation. It’s a little more user friendly than what’s his name’s:
16oz Fettuccini + Boiling Water + 9 minutes + Wall = MOMENTUM
*Unless you’re under a specific contract, you have no reason not to continue meeting people and seeing what’s ahead as long as you do it professionally. If you are under a contract be careful and understand the terms of your agreement so you handle your momentum appropriately. It can get dicey.
**Please don’t take or make meetings on your company’s time. Do it before work, after work or on the weekends. I’m even a little squeamish about doing it at lunch unless the people you’re working for are horrible, abusive neo-Nazis or complete crackheads. You don’t want it to appear that you’re not 150% focused during your workday.
Anecdotal story about taking meetings during a workday: Years ago I was the CO-EP on a syndicated talk show and one of my staff members, who had been doing a crappy job and making others’ lives miserable, walked into the control room while we were busy taping a show. He was wearing “interview clothes” and an NBC VISITOR’S sticker on his lapel. We were not an NBC show. I hit the roof. So, if you DO take a meeting during the workday, cover your tracks.
Oh, and you need BUSINESS CARDS! This is a mistake I made. I never had ‘em, until now. You can get them for FREE (I swear) at www.vistaprint.com and they’ll come quickly. Just be prepared to be buried alive in an avalanche of Vista Print “promotions” in your inbox—it’s the small price you pay for FREE.